Sunday, 29 March 2009
Blow Out!
Royal Holloway - That's all folks.
It also rolled by me feeling a constant and severe state of nausea. I was fine writing the notes the previous night, walking to class but as soon as I pushed open the doors and saw other people waiting to go into the room of doom I was ready to lose my breakfast. My breakfast of Minstrels. Not a wise choice but I went there. May I just say that this is my third attempt at writing this blog because it, somehow, manages to keep deleting itself because of powers beyond my control. Hopefully this means that, for once, there is an editing process and might make more sense.
Back in line.
Once again I had to say goodbye to all my classmates who I will hopefully see around next term and at the Summer ball! The tickets went on sale today but because I had class Miranda got some of her friends to buy ours for us (Miranda is in Hull). My goodness the people here are mad for tickets! Most people get there at 3 in the morning and wait for the ticket booth to open at 9. Even then the queue goes outside the building and the minimum waiting time is like 4 hours. Yikes! Hopefully I have ticket though because the Summer ball is supposed to be amazing! Well it darn well should be for 65 pounds.
But yes. I will miss all my Directing class friends. Had some very good laughs with these people. Thank you all so much... Stay tuned for tomorrow's blog - it features a D-grade (or less) celebrity! Woo!
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Last Week of Classes!
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Warwick, Stratford and Good ol' Bill.
This was an exciting day but also somewhat sad too because this is my last tour with our tour guide Susanna who is SO LOVELY. Over the past several months we've got to know her and about her husband. She's the nicest lady and she knows so much history but in a really accessible way. Thank you so much Susanna!
And now for a lovely ramble...
It was so lovely that Miranda and I burst into song and were belting out "I know you I've walked with you once upon a dream" from Sleeping Beauty until we rounded a corner and saw a whole bunch of people with a mix and dogs and children. Eep. No more singing.
Seeing all the doggies playing about made me miss my doggy, Daisy. Though I was thinking that even if she was here she would just be a pain because you can't trust her off the leash like these dogs could be. She would struggle and disobey... Hmm... mixed feelings for you Daisy doodles. It was funny watching little children interact with random dogs. There was this one little girl who wasn't use to being licked by a dog and as we were walking away we hear the mother screeching "Don't lick the dog back Lucy!"
There were all sorts of animals and such about the park. Different kinds of ducks and swans! Swans... how perfect. Swans skimming the shimmering yellow water of the sunset - how pathetically poetic. No wonder all the good literary individuals were English. They've got Gothic scary stuff and then beautiful poetic stuff. England is good all year round for literature.
The BEST part of the walk was ... the ICE-CREAM! Yes, dear readers, it was warm enough not to wear a coat and eat soft serve ice-cream. I haven't had a soft serve in so long so this one was perfection. Miranda and I were joking that because we are so pale that the ice-creams in our hands just look like our hands are clubs holding sticks (which was the chocolate flake). It's my ghost arms scenario all over again. See what you think...
I think this last photo is a bit club-like - handwise. It's so nice to wear sunglasses and not look like a fool because there is no sun. A very lovely walk overall and we've decided to go back next week sometime to explore the whole park - it's massive. By then there might be more flowers out. Now it's mostly daffodils. Tomorrow it's off to Stratford!
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Total Eclipse of the Heart
And now what you've all been waiting for... Another video! An homage to the real video clip of "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler. If you get confused about our video - try watching the real one. It's way weird.
Featuring Miranda and Phoebe and guest starring the lovely Leonore!
Monday, 16 March 2009
York - Day Two
It was an amazing place so I'm going to have to bombard you with photos.

Yorkity Yorkity - Day One
The air! Cold air whipping the very flesh off my face but still - revitalising air! The view and everything just makes you feel so small. I keep saying that but... that's how it felt. That and I wanted to be able to jump off and fly about the place. Stupid gravity and what not. Back down the stairs - taking it very slowly so I don't fall down and take everyone with me. We then had a look about the town - why do they make streets out of cobblestones? I mean sure they look sweet but they're a pain to walk on... And what about horses and carriages back in the day? Bumpy times.
We then trooped back to the bus and headed out to our hotel (Youth Hostel). Now I would have thought I would be slightly revolted at the sight of the dirty carpets, seedy showers and ugly curtains but no... I live in Founders! I mean if you multiplied this place 8000 times you might reach the grossness of Founders (the hall I live in back at Royal Holloway). The showers were actually the same style as the ones in Founders so it felt like I hadn't really left! We threw on more clothes as the temperature dropped and headed out to go on a ghost tour! Our little posse consisting of Americans, a Canadian and Me split and we went on different tours. I went on the tour that was more about historical ghost stories and Miranda went on one that was more modern ghost tails that had happened around town. York is apparently the most haunted city in England - I still haven't worked out why. Our tours both seemed pretty cool because my tour guide looked like Alan Rickman and Miranda's looked like William Shatner - a good evening. Take a look. One of the stories I heard was about a house (that we were standing right in front of) that had been reported as having the sounds of a child crying in various rooms. The mother of the family living in the house at the time went to tuck her son in bed when he said "Mummy please don't let that little girl sit on the end of my bed tonight. She cries and makes me sad". Freaky deaky. It's said that the very house contained a family who all died of the plague centuries ago. All the family except one little girl. The people who came to collect the bodies saw the little girl and panicked thinking that because she was alive she would infect them so they boarded up the house and painted a red "X" on the door forbidding anyone to come in. People would see the 3 year old girl looking out the tiny window and crying for help all in vain because of the "X". In the end she died of starvation and that is why her crying can still be heard even today! There were more but that was my favourite. Favourite isn't really the right word but oh well.
After a delicious dinner of pizza we waddled home - very full and slept. The pillows were amazingly comfortable and I soon drifted into sleep... Stay tuned for day two!