Thursday 15 January 2009

Pottering about...

Hello dedicated readers! Today I had no classes so Miranda and I went exploring around the campus and found the lovely chapel. I have attached a photo of the chapel inside which was beautiful. I mean I saw loads of churches and fancy buildings but I didn't think I had one on campus. At the time we were in there a woman was playing the organ so it a very grand visit. There was a serious fog today - we could barely see 3 metres outside our windows.

After we did some mundane tasks about campus - like me paying my accommodation fee - ERK! - we ventured into the town of Egham. Yeah the "high street" of Egham, which is like the city centre, has 2 second-hand stores, a Subway, Tescos, Iceland (?), cafes and pubs. There is other various shops like a hardware store and newsagent but I'm thinking as I observe these surroundings that I hopefully won't be spending a lot of money around here. We went into Tescos to but supplies like milk and bread so we don't have to troop all the way to the Refectory every meal. It was fun because we casually perused every aisle looking at what was the same as home and what was different. They have a product here which is exactly the same as Napisan - pink packaging and everything - but it's called Vanish. How weird is that? Buying the goods was stressful enough, there was a huge queue by the time we got to the check-out and I got plastic bags thrust at me as I furiously tried to pack the bags before she finished scanning them but no! So I to quickly snatch my purse from my handbag throw coins and run before people glared at my incompetence... I use to work at a supermarket - you think I could handle it. I've now learnt that when you want groceries you only buy what you can carry because lugging it all back to uni (which is a fair walk) was not fun. Poor Miranda strained her foot so we stopped a couple of times along the way which suited me in my puffing and red-faced state.

Had a cruisy evening of watching movies which was nice for a change and had to listen to the very loud people which gallop up and down the hallway at 11:30pm and onwards. Once I go to sleep I don't wake up but Miranda does and she told me there were people loudly talking and pushing one another down the hall in a SHOPPING TROLLEY at 2am. No idea how they got the shopping trolley from the supermarket in Egham to here - let alone up to the third floor. I have my other class tomorrow so hopefully it will be more promising than the last!

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